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Главная » 2010 » Март » 17 » Рикошет (Ricochet, Разбитостеколье)
Рикошет (Ricochet, Разбитостеколье)

Can you tell that I'm planning prevenge? Read my mind, yes, I'm planning prevenge.

Ricochet and his twin brother Jazz are the elite bodyguards of the evil Optimus Prime. But where Jazz is cool and cruel, Ricochet is manic and malicious. He's famous for brutal battlefield slaughters that have left few Decepticons alive to take prisoner. His wild shooting sprees are the mark of a dangerously unhinged being, the exact image Ricochet wants to project.

Though he puts on such displays primarily as an act, the "crazy" thing isn't actually all that far from the truth. Ricochet is both afraid of betrayal within his own ranks by those who covet his high position to the point of paranoia, and is also haunted by the knowledge that his brother is Prime's favorite of the two. His rampages serve to both increase his kill-count to look good in Prime's eyes, as well as "accidentally" take care of any would-be usurpers... and who knows, maybe one day Jazz might "accidentally" end up a casualty... that would be such a pity.

Основные события:

Surprisingly, the only thing he did of note was get taken down during the Decepticon assault on the Ark. Who blasted him is unknown.

Категория: Вселенная Трансформеров | Просмотров: 2632 | Добавил: The-All-Spark | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |
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